Priority Risk Ltd is a commercial company; however we also appreciate the moral responsibility which comes with our profession. The values which we believe defines our approach and behaviour are detailed below.

  • Integrity

  • Reliable, we are in for the long term, change takes time and skill to manage and health and safety is without question one of the most emotive topics.

  • Honesty, if we are not the best solution for your business we will tell you. We will also tell you who or what we think the best solution is.

  • Instantly available when we are needed. We help you plan and manage so that things don’t go wrong but accidents do occur, the last thing that you want to hear when you need us the most is an answer phone. Mobiles are always answered and help is provided no matter what the time of day.

  • Professional, all of our personnel are operating at a degree level or beyond. We invest heavily in our people to ensure that we are always at the top of our game.