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If you aren’t screaming ASBESTOS at the screen right now then we can help. All persons working in industry who could be exposed to asbestos must have Asbestos Awareness training. We are members of the IATP who ensure that all of our Asbestos Awareness training is kept up to date by insisting that independent audit of our training is a condition of membership. For more information on our Asbestos Awareness training and what the IATP are about please click the link.
BUY - £24.00 (inc. VAT)

We have in house not just Health and Safety Professionals, food safety is also an area in which we excel. This dualism allows us to consider all aspects of safety when working in the food industry. Foreign bodies can be as harmful as missing guards or bad working practice, “to understand is to know and to know is to understand”.

The message here is simply that we do travel. We are involved in safety activities in a wide range of industries all over the county and Ireland. Whether it is fire risk assessment in Birmingham or CDM Coordination in Bath or Scotland we will be there if you need us.

Skiing treadmill? Health and Safety should never be a reason not to try something different. Our view is that the any challenge can be risk assessed and where needed control measures installed to mitigate the risk. Adventure sports must be adventurous, our industry has a habit of making the exciting dull. We serve our clients best when we get what they are about and embrace the essence of their vision and control the risks involved.